Albuquerque Skies and Deep Friendship

September 03, 2019  •  2 Comments

Hey-ho, beautiful humans! September is upon us and while the rest of the country is cozying up in flannels, puffy vests and pumpkin-spiced flavored everything, here in Los Angeles we are preparing for the hottest month of the year. Yup, in LA September is DISGUSTING. So I decided to jet-set to Albuquerque this past weekend to visit my bestie and escape the heat. Oh, Jenn... You sweet, naive, beautiful little baby! Turns out Albuquerque is ALSO hot as balls. But no matter, I had my friend and muse back in my arms and we managed to squeeze in the most EPIC power shoot in the last 30 minutes before sunset.

The skies and endless landscape absolutely lend themselves to imagery and it doesn't hurt that Kate is also the most beautiful thing ever.

While I didn't manage to capture any of it in the photos, there was lightning off in the distance all around us. "These skies a frickin' gorgeous!!!" I exclaimed. "WHAT ABOUT ME?!" She shouted back. I love her.

If you've ever met Kate you know that she can't be serious for more than 20 minutes at a time. "Take a picture of me with my dress on my head!". Again, I love her.

The darkness crept up on us quickly (again- 30 minutes) but we made that sh*t happen!! Of course, I'll be back. I'm gonna capture that lightning if its the last thing I do!!


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